Rules & Contest Info - 2024 Best of Round Rock


Rules & Contest Information

Purpose of the Competition:

  • The goal of the Best of Round Rock Awards is to create awareness of the great small businesses in Round Rock, TX. We aim to make the competition enjoyable for all participants.

Voting Method and Requirements:

  • Votes can only be made by completing the online form at
  • All voting entries must have voters’ complete information, including name, email address, and any other required details, or the votes will not be counted.

Voting Limits:

  • Each person may vote only once per category.
  • Winners are chosen by individuals who fill out the online voting ballot.
  • We will track IP addresses to ensure fairness. If multiple people within the same household wish to vote, they must use separate devices and not share the same network.

Nominee Eligibility:

  • Nominees must have a location in or service zip codes: 78664, 78665, or 78681. We accept nominations for service businesses and individuals who travel to the Round Rock area from the cities directly adjacent to the Round Rock city limits and whose business information (e.g., website, etc.) clearly includes Round Rock as a prominent service area. Round the Rock determines final decisions about nominee eligibility. 
  • Eligibility is verified through the Business License database, social media presence, and official websites.

Voting Period:

  • All votes must be received by midnight Friday, October 31st.

Category Limits:

  • Nominees must choose and stick to no more than five categories for the duration of the voting period. Changes to category selections are not permitted once voting begins.

Ballot Stuffing and Security Measures:

  • If we determine a business is “stuffing ballots” or circumventing security measures, their votes will be flagged and removed.
  • We use automated software to detect and prevent fraudulent voting practices.

Disqualification and Conduct:

  • The Best of Round Rock Awards facilitators reserve the right to disqualify any business that violates the competition rules or engages in inappropriate conduct, including but not limited to misuse of marketing materials and non-compliance with guidelines.
  • Participants who violate the rules will receive a written warning.

Permissions and Use of Likeness:

  • By participating in the Best of Round Rock Awards, you grant us permission to use your business name, likeness, and image for marketing and promotional materials related to the competition.

Results and Announcements:

  • All competition results are held privately by Round the Rock.
  • Winners will be announced online on Monday, November 3rd.
  • Winners will receive a printable certificate, an electronic 2025 logo, and bragging rights.


Thank you to everyone who nominated and voted this year!